Water Heaters

Water Heaters and More in Merlin, OR

Service Technician Working on Water Heaters in Merlin, OR

Also Serving Grants Pass and Rogue River, OR

Heating water can account for up to 30% of an average home’s energy cost. At Shamrock Plumbing, we know that it’s a hassle for homeowners like you to replace a water heater that is leaky or doesn’t work anymore. So what is the solution? A gas tankless water heater is not only more dependable; it can cut your energy bill by almost up to half of what you were paying before. This upgrade can also add value to your home while delivering all the hot water you need.

Tankless water heaters use a heat exchanger to heat the water before it reaches your shower or faucets. When the water passes through the heat exchanger, the water is heated instead of having to be heated in bulk through a traditional water heater. This is 22 percent more efficient to energy costs than your standard gas-fired water heater.

The Benefits of Going Tankless

The typical home goes through about 76 to 80 gallons of water per day. This includes 3-4 showers, a load of laundry, running the faucets 9 to 11 times, and running the dishwasher after dinner. With all of this water running through your home, a standard water heater can heat and reheat water all day long. This means that the water heater is going to run more, giving you a higher energy bill.

If you opt for a tankless water heater, the water is heated as needed. When you run a faucet, do a load of laundry, turn on your dishwasher or hop in the shower, the water is heated immediately giving you the temperature that you want. This is extremely important because you don’t have an energy-hungry appliance constantly running. Due to this innovation and streamlined service, the energy bill to your home goes down immensely.

Traditional Water Heaters

If you have a traditional water heater, we can help! We’re proud to service all makes and models of water heaters and can install a wide variety of sizes and types of water heaters. 

Service and Repair

Depending on the diagnosis of your water heater, we may be able to repair the existing tank as opposed to replacing your entire unit—saving you money! However, if it is time to replace your water heater, we’re ready to help. Be it gas or electric, 2 gallon to 100 gallon, we install and service them all.

Most tanks have a 6 year warranty but we have 10 & 12 year warranties available.

Call us today to learn more about our tankless and traditional water heater solutions!

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